An Enchanted Winter Walk: A Photo Essay


“We cannot stop the winter or the summer from coming. We cannot stop the spring or the fall or make them other than they are. They are gifts from the universe that we cannot refuse. But we can choose what we will contribute to life when each arrives.”

~ Gary Zukav

A Winter Wonderland

As if on cue, the snow gently floated down in soft feathery flakes on Christmas Eve and I fell asleep, all warm and cozy in my bed, hoping that the snow would keep falling all night long. I knew that a fresh snowfall would bode well for the Christmas Day nature walk we planned on taking and I was not disappointed. The next morning could not have dawned more beautifully—the world was covered in a soft, thick, blanket of pristine white snow, there wasn’t a hint of wind, the sky had completely cleared and was bluer than ever and, in spite of the cold temperatures, a golden butterscotchy light gave the whole world a warm, inviting glow. Not a single wisp of cloud dared to show its face in the brilliance of that blue sky. My partner and I knew we were in for an incredibly beautiful walk.

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Happy Holidays!


Season’s Greetings

The snow is gently falling here and I’m getting my wish for a pristine White Christmas. Life is good and I feel utterly blessed to be living on this beautiful planet. I’m sending out a beam of love—may it find its way to each of you.

Wishing all of my dear friends around the globe, far and near, much laughter, peace and happiness. May joy fill each of your hearts.

With love,

Image Credits:

Snowman, Illustration by madlyinlovewithlife; © 2015 madlyinlovewithlife

A Little Magic in the Sky: My December Balcony Garden

Winter Garden in the Sky

Every summer I enjoy keeping a container garden on our high-rise balcony and I love it all summer long, but I find beauty in my little balcony garden in every season, including winter.

Rather than clearing out all my potted plants in late autumn, I purposely leave all of my plants to naturally dry and I allow winter to engulf them. Winters are cold here in Calgary, so nothing potted survives it except my two potted trees. I love the way the dried grasses and flowers frost up and the way they create beautiful shapes and organic sculptures as piles of snow cap the leaves and branches. I think the bare bones of my little trees look so beautiful too.

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How to Make “Heavenly Scent” Holiday Pomanders


Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles
and all the years you have lived.”

~Helen Keller

A Holiday Decoration to Delight the Senses

The first pomanders (from the French pomme d’ambre, “apple of amber”) were balls made of perfumes and they were one of the earliest forms of aromatherapy. Modern day pomanders are often made during the holiday season by studding oranges or other citrus fruits with whole dried cloves and curing them in fragrant spices. They can be left out to scent and freshen the air, used as beautiful tabletop decorations or tree ornaments, or placed in drawers to keep linens and clothing fresh and pleasant-smelling.

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Pomegranates: The Exotic Red Jewels of December


Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking
if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity.

~ Voltaire

‘Tis the Season to Enjoy Exotic Fruit

Here in Canada, where winters are cold and “all green things cease to grow”, the holiday season has always been a time to enjoy imported exotic fruits. When I was a child, the big treat in December was mandarin oranges from Japan. While I still look forward to having a fresh mandarin (or my new favourite, the satsuma orange), I also look forward to a new exotic fruit which has become readily available over the last ten years: fresh pomegranates.

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