Meditation on the End of a Beautiful Day

Death is not extinguishing the light;
it is putting out the lamp because the Dawn has come.

~ Rabindranath Tagore

A Tribute to Two Beautiful Men

This time-lapse video is dedicated to two beautiful men whom I dearly love and whom I have been blessed to have in my life: my own dear father and my dear father-in-law. Two years ago, they both left this world just a few weeks apart. They each lived a long, rich and happy life and I often feel their joyous spirits around me. Continue reading

The madlyinlovewithlife Autumn 2014 Short Film Festival

TV Couple

The Art of the Short

I love short film as an art form. I’m always on the lookout for short films that catch my attention in some way. Here are five shorts, some old, some more current, that I really enjoy for one reason or another. When you get some time, check out the films that interest you. I recommend viewing them in full screen mode—the cinematography is impressive.

(For more about the film genre known as “short film”, the evolution of its increasing availability to the masses and its merits as an art form, see my previous post featuring the first semi-annual madlyinlovewithlife Short Film Festival.)

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Late Summer Picnic at the Beautiful Spray Lakes


Come on over, have a seat in one of our comfy chairs and share our picnic lunch with us as we enjoy a spectacular view of the Spray Lakes in Kananaskis Country.

After a Freak Early Blizzard, Summer Returns

Given the lovely sunshine and warm late summer temperatures we’ve been basking in this week, few would suspect that just last week we got hit with a huge blizzard which dropped some 20 cm of wet snow on Calgary! While it’s rare for us to see snow in the summer months or this early in September, it can certainly snow here in any month of the year. Happily, a quick return to summer-like temperatures made fast work of the unseasonable and unwelcome snowfall.

This past week my partner and I took advantage of the gorgeous weather and took off for a fun little day trip to the mountains of Kananaskis Country.

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Can the Average Joe Make Decent Homemade Soba Noodles?

This post is humbly dedicated to my Japanese friend, Takami


“Love learning for its own sake,
and connect a wide array of ideas
from different fields of study and disciplines.

~ Robert Green

A Culinary Experiment: Making Soba Noodles

My partner and I are not professional cooks, but we do enjoy a fun culinary challenge. We’ve wanted to try making fresh homemade soba noodles since we came across a recipe for them in our pasta-making cookbook. Soba (そば or 蕎麦?) is the Japanese name for buckwheat. It is synonymous with a type of thin noodle made from buckwheat flour. Soba noodles are served either chilled with a dipping sauce, or in hot broth as a noodle soup (Wikipedia).

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Go, Little Danbo, Go!

DSC_1670_5707 ‘We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious, and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

~ Walt Disney

A New Adventure for Little Danbo

Big Danbo took Little Danbo out for his first try at skateboarding today. (See my previous post, An Unexpected Parcel Arrives to learn how little Danbo acquired a miniature skateboard of his own).

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An Unexpected Package Arrives: Some Assembly Required


Knock, Knock, Knock…

I was working in my home office this afternoon when there was a knock at our front door. It was the UPS guy with a delivery from Amazon. Rather surprised, I told him I wasn’t expecting a package from Amazon, and he said, “It’s for a “Mr. L. Danbo”. I said, “Oh… just a minute. I’ll get him…” Continue reading