A Place to Pause: My Little Garden in the Sky


We will be more successful in all our endeavors if we can let go of the habit of running all the time, and take little pauses to relax and re-center ourselves.
And we’ll also have a lot more joy in living.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Summer in My Little Garden

We are having a beautiful summer. The days have been a mixed bag of everything—sunny mornings, afternoon rain showers, perfect humidity, warm temperatures, deliciously cool evenings (perfect for a good night’s sleep), terrific storm clouds rolling in from the west in the late afternoons, bringing grand displays of lightning and crashing thunder, and quintessential calm summer days with blue skies peppered with soft animal-shaped clouds and a cool gentle breeze. I love it all. And, so, it seems, does my little balcony garden in the sky–it is thriving!

This post is dedicated to my dear friend, artist and photographer, Skylark.


A NewComer

A new addition to this year’s garden is one of my all time favourite flowers, Cosmos. I love Cosmos, not only for their outrageously bright colour, but for their happy, hearty ability to bloom prolifically no matter what the weather. Already, they have proven their ability to withstand gale-force winds, heavy downpours of rain and hail, and spells of hot, dry weather. Up here in the sky, where there is little shelter from the elements, each plant must be very hardy to thrive.


Below: a tightly closed Cosmos bud, still spotted with rain droplets from a pleasant afternoon shower.


Old Standbys

Lavender: a longstanding regular in my yearly summer pots. My garden would not be complete without at least one pot of English Lavender. And, of course, the amazing splashes of brilliant red in my garden are thanks to the ever-hearty, steady and lovable geranium.



Other New Arrivals

Below: This year we welcomed another new arrival to the garden, a raspberry bush. Growing a raspberry shrub is an experimental gardening project for me, since I have planted it in a container. Thus far, the raspberry bush is thriving and looking incredibly healthy and lush. The big question is: will it survive a Calgary winter to produce again next year? I hope so, especially since most of the robust raspberry canes that have sprung up this year won’t produce until next year. I’ll fill you in on the success of my raspberry project next summer.


You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment. In that insight of inter-being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh


Below: White Bacopa, another new annual willing to play up here in the sky, braving the elements to show their pretty white faces.


Below: Million Bells. I love these guys. They are colourful, prolific and non-temperamental. (And they are also non-judgmental.)


One of my favourite things to do

One of my great joys is to sit out in my garden in the warm sunshine, enjoy a refreshing glass of water, take a moment to watch the bees and hoverflies buzz about my flower pots, then sit back, put my feet up and relax while I peruse my favourite magazine, LandScape. LandScape is a beautifully edited, incredibly well-photographed British publication celebrating gorgeous gardening, the breathtaking beauty of the British countryside, delicious, simple cooking, and the fine craftsmanship of many skilled artisans. This magazine was introduced to me by my dear Cumbrian friend, artist and photographer, Skylark—thank you!



A Chair with a View


A Very Small Bowl of Raspberries

Below: This year’s entire raspberry harvest. Well, almost entire—to be completely accurate, I would have to include the three berries eaten earlier and the three berries still ripening on the raspberry canes. I sincerely hope that it survives the winter as I’m quite certain I will get a bumper crop from next year’s canes! We shall see. As always, I remain ever positive.




Image Credits:

All photos and video by madlyinlovewithlife; © 2016 madlyinlovewithlife

15 thoughts on “A Place to Pause: My Little Garden in the Sky

  1. It is wonderful your garden with beautiful photos,
    you made us discover .. I like your pictures.
    I wish you a good day.

    • Hello Nancy! Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I trust you are enjoying your summer and that your renovations are going well. Wishing you and yours a very happy week ahead! :))

  2. Your sky garden looks wonderful Jeannie! Those raspberries look very tasty as well…Unfortunately the birds ate all of ours!! Summer has been great here thus
    far and harvest should begin early…Have a great week my friend…

    • Hello Sam! Oh, those pesky birds! They know a good thing when they see it! I don’t blame them for wanting to devour your raspberries, but I would hope they would leave at least a little for you to have some fresh and enough to make some jam with!

      I’m so glad to hear your summer is going well and that you’ll be able to have an early harvest this year. Enjoy the rest of this lovely July weather. :))

  3. Thank you Jeannie for sharing your summer garden! I too love Cosmos…such a beautiful, vibrant and happy flower. Save the seeds for next year…they are so easy to grow. Mucho suerte with your raspberries…wishing you a good harvest.

    • Maria! How nice to have you come by my little summer garden-in-the-sky! And thank you for the advice to save the Cosmos seeds—I shall definitely do that so I can plant them again next spring! Thanks so much for stopping by! Wishing you and yours a wonderful weekend! :))

  4. Your little garden is a paradise.. and you are so right …we need to slow down and enjoy today. Your photos are wonderful as usual. Thanks so much for sharing . Let’s enjoy the nice sunny days. It is now getting more summery here in Vancouver after many cloudy days in July. Planning to do a picnic on Mondays with some friends. This is fun !!!

    • Thank you, France! I so love summer picnics. I’m glad the sun is coming out so you can enjoy one with your friends. There are so many beautiful places in and around Vancouver to have a picnic. Have fun! :))

  5. The diversity and the photos of each piece, I would imagine your garden to be on a acre or more :-) Not bad at all Jeannie ~ enjoy your summer!

    • Thank you so much, Randall. My balcony garden truly is a little oasis in the middle of a city. It’s amazing what you can do with just a small bit of outdoor space and some sunshine. Wishing you a very happy summer, wherever in the world you are right now! As always, I enjoy following your travels, reading your philosophical commentary and admiring your awe-inspiring photography. Wishing you a great week ahead! :))

  6. What a beautiful garden balcony! I am trying to recreate my own but I don’t know if I’ll have the patience to replant every year. Canberra can get very warm in summer but can have some bad frosts (at least for Australia). I hope we see more of your balcony garden some time soon.

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